
Connection between a theme of the story and the real world.      A big theme we've all talked about is how we readers overlooked the fact that most of the story was a dream, because we wanted it to be real. All the foreshadowing we could see was obvious after we knew the ending. I'm going to link that to today's media and American's watching it. That's right bringing in politics (sort of).       Today we see the media showing all sorts of different stories especially with big issues of the current time. But they purposely leave out many stories that either go against what they want or call them out for their actions. And American's all over the country watching it don't try to go find those stories. The biggest place we see this is with the black lives matter movement/protests (read riots). there's rioting and killing around the US but if you turn on your television you will most likely see a police officer arresting someone or shooting someone. What y...
 Thinking Question: What do you think happened to Fahrquhar's family after the hanging? We don't learn much about them except they share his passion for helping the Confederate's cause. "A gray-clad soldier rode up to the gate and asked for a drink of water. Mrs. Fahrquhar was only too happy to serve him with her own white hands." It was highly unusual for a plantation owner to serve a guest, that job fell to the slaves. So we know she wanted to help but not much else. Thoughts?
 "The man in the water saw the eye of the man on the bridge gazing into his own thorugh the sights of the rifle. He observed that it was a gray eye and remembered having read that gray eyes were keenest, and that all famous marksmen had them." Another super human occurrence. Farquhar was being pushed down the river with a strong current and somehow saw the color of a mans eyes and remembered a random fact he read about gray eyes from some time before. This was part of the story I definitely remember reading and thinking about a little bit but I still didn't think about it being nearly impossible which is weird.
 "As he is about to clasp her he feels a stunning blow upon the back of the neck: a blinding white light blazes all about him with a sound like the shock of a cannon-then all is darkness and silence." (page 19) I was just thinking about the feelings he had right before he died. Why did he feel a blow on his neck and why was there a blinding light? I assume the light was because a lot of people think when you die its all dark and then light, or light and then dark. What are your thoughts?
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